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SRM 1196a TB117香烟标准品储存

2024/6/18 2:18:54发布66次查看
srm 1196a tb117香烟标准品
英文名称:nist srm 1196a - standard cigarette for ignition resistance testing
srm 1196a tb117香烟标准品instructions for handling, storage, and usehandling:
in general, cigarette test specimens are to be protected from physical or environmental damage while inhandling and storage. it is important that the specimens not be crushed or deformed in any manner. careful handlingis needed to ensure that the specimens are not contaminated while in storage and that they are protected fromdegradation by insects.
storage: this srm should be stored in a freezer at approximately –20 °c (–4 °f).
use: srm 1196a tb117香烟标准品the cigarettes are intended for use in testing prescribed in federal regulations (16 cfr 1632 [1],16 cfr 1209 [2]) and in california technical bulletin 117-2013 [3]. additional standards for which the cigarettesare intended, but are not limited to, are nfpa 260 [9] and nfpa 261 [10], and astm e1352 [11] andastm e1353 [12]. these methods describe the procedures for proper handling of the cigarettes and conduct of thetesting
nist 评估 srm 1196a tb117香烟标准品点火强度的适用范围为 85 % 至 100 %,并将每 5 年进行一次稳定性测试,以确保 srm 1196a 的点火强度保持在此区间内。 如果 nist 稳定性测试的结果表明点火强度可能超出本证书到期前的适用范围,nist 将通知购买者。
处理:一般而言,卷烟试样在处理和储存时应受到保护,免受物理或环境损害。 重要的是样品不会以任何方式被压碎或变形。 需要小心处理,以确保标本在储存时不会受到污染,并且不会被昆虫降解。
储存:srm 1196a tb117香烟标准品应储存在约 –20 °c (–4 °f) 的冰箱中。
东莞市百顺生物科技有限公司是nist的代理商,专业代理nist srm 1196a tb117香烟标准品。


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